Wednesday, January 26, 2005


About the Cigarettes: Something I want to remember:

    At one point in the evening, after she'd helped herself to stray cigarettes at the dining room table, at which she insisted on perching all evening, I discovered her and silently assented to her smoking with restrictions. After maybe her third cigarette, she threw her head back and exulted, "This cigarette tastes good."
    I shuddered.
    Later, she "remembered" that she'd brought a pack of cigarettes with her and continued to insist, throughout the entire trip back up the mountain, that she'd "left" her cigarettes, "back there."
    I shuddered again.
    She also quickly reinstated an old habit that I wouldn't even let her practice when she smoked regularly: Lighting a cigarette during dinner, holding it in one hand whilst eating with the other and occasionally taking a 'digestive' puff. This is one of the many smoking habits I recall from both my parents smoking when I was a kid. MCF pointed it out to me and gave me a shocked look. I guess they'd never been exposed to this. I immediately put a stop to this behavior and removed cigarettes from her immediate vicinity.
    She has not, however, today appeared to miss cigarettes, look for them or insist that she not only smokes cigarettes, she "had one this morning"...which is always untrue.
    No reacquired habit agitation. Thank the gods.

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