Thursday, January 20, 2005


We didn't make it... get her blood drawn this morning. She was not in the mood and I wasn't in the mood to push her, anyway. Although I got to bed early (for me), I had a series of strange dreams that continually awoke me throughout the night. I was up at 0700 to get her up but when she resisted I decided, nah, if I push her we'll both be in surly moods most of the day.
    If you're wondering why we can't do this later in the day, for this CBC I want a fasting reading, not for her blood sugar, I know she's always within normal range in the morning, but for her sodium level. I want to see if it's doing things or is steady, and in normal range.
    At any rate, getting in there in the morning will allow the results to be available and faxed to Mesa in the afternoon tomorrow in plenty of time for her Monday appointment.

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