Monday, June 20, 2005


Blood Draw Review: 6/17/05

Faxed to Office 6/18/05 in preparation for appt. at 1300 on 6/23/05:

TO:  Wondrous FNP (to whose attention I was instructed to direct it, even though I'd already been informed that we'd be seeing Dr. New [vs. Dr. Neo]) - Name of Medical Clinic
FAX:  #
RE:  Mom - SS# - Review of Health since 5/21/05: Last review should be on file in your records.

Blood Pressure:
No change since last review - I’ll bring new chart with us to appointment.

Blood Sugar:
No change since last review - I’ll bring new chart with us to appointment.

Urinary Issues:
No change since last review - AND NO UTIs!!!!

No change since last review.

Energy Level:
Continues slow improvement. Doing more walkering outside and regular therapy exercises for strength and flexibility.

Skin Condition & Circulation:
No change since last review.

Appetite & Diet:
No change since last review - continues to get one 8 oz. serving of non-fat, artificially sweetened yoghurt per day in order to help counteract UTIs. Seems to be working.

No change since last review.

Will & Spirit:
Remain strong and high, respectively.

See Medication & Supplement Review faxed 6/16/05.

Bowel Movements:
No change since last review.

Blood Draw & Urinalysis:
6/17/05 was draw day. Results should be completely faxed to you from lab by the end of business day 6/20/05. I should have my results in hand when we arrive for our appointment on 6/21/05. I expect no significant changes from last blood draw.

AS AN ADDED NOTE: All the information above and more is detailed in the following web logs which I keep on my mother (don’t worry, they’re not required reading; just thought this should be in her file in case someone wants to look something up):
The Mom & Me Journals dot Net: General day to day stuff and personal commentary on all aspects of my mother’s life and taking care of her. Thousands of words. Searchable.
Mom & Me Daily Tests & Meds: Daily record of blood pressures, blood glucose readings, changes in meds. Earlier archives also include detail of daily meals. Searchable.
Mom's Test Results: All test results recorded back through 8/1/00 which I’ve been able to procure (I think I’m missing only one x-ray report from a doctor here in Prescott who dismissed us after only a few appointments, and a few urinalyses taken last summer through the Urgent Care Clinic up here). Searchable.
=>Moving =>Mom: Started last fall, went through a hiatus this winter when it was impossible to get her to move much. Recording of all ‘formal’ exercise sessions, including descriptions of exercises, reps and sets and performance. Recently started reporting on her walkering sessions, as well. Not Searchable.

    Thank you for the holdover RX for lisinopril.
    I think she may have bruised her right side internally above the waist and below the rib cage during a walkering incident on Wednesday, July 15th. She reported it as a “side cramp” on Thursday and refused medication for it, although I’ve cancelled all walkering and exercise sessions for the time being. She is continuing to get around normally, though, without pain and no other health indicators seem to be affected. It just bothers her when she leans over. As of Friday, July 17th, I started her an 100 mg acetaminophen 3 times per day, which seems to alleviate it, and she reports that it is “getting better”.
    Sorry this is a day late. I was worried about her yesterday, although she seemed to do just fine, and didn’t want to leave her alone even when napping, just in case.

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