Saturday, July 23, 2005


Today is the...

...Dog Show. Last night, when we were talking about it during one of the many commercials for it on Animal Planet, Mom remembered (bizarre, sometimes, the things she remembers) that the show usually features programs ahead of time about a couple breeds of dogs. I just checked and, sure enough, there are some of these preceding the competition, two of which are about dogs I would consider for us other than a Newfoundland: Great Danes and Greyhounds. So we'll be watching those, too. Today might be a good day to give Mom an exercise rest since she's been working so hard over the last two days. I'll let her sleep her full 12 hours, until 1130, and we'll work our day around the dog show. There's a good chance she won't take a nap today since she'll be busy watching the dogs go by.

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