Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I'm not going to make it over to the food site.

    I did the cooking and baking and notating I'd planned but I also decided to finish redesigning all the tests listed at Mom's Test Results except for the old blood glucose reports. Those, I think, I'll let sit for awhile. I want to keep that layout anyway for the historical interest and they don't really need to be redesigned internally until I get ready to move them to the new main site, which won't be for awhile.
    Yes, everything I made for dinner was delicious. Once again, the blueberries were not ripe enough but I prefigured this and added extra sugar and cornstarch. The ham salad was spectacular. Maybe tomorrow I'll get over to the food site and report those recipes and how and why they came about. I have two not so secret ingredients I add whenever I'm working with blueberries that makes the blueberries jump and say "Hey! I'm not just delicious, I'm superb!"
    Funny what a difference having a pulled together identity on the web makes to me as far as working with these Mom & Me. Visitorship hasn't increased and probably won't but having the particular dot net identity that I've chosen has helped intellectually, emotionally and spiritually pull together all my "Mom" efforts. Previously all my Mom journals seemed like nothing more than scattered, peculiar blogs. Now, here we are: The Mom & Me Journals, at your and my service.
    My next project will be bringing together the Table of Contents. First I'll finish setting it up and publish what I've got so far. It's not going to be fancy with menus and such; just a straight forward "look and click" format. I have already devised subject areas. I haven't decided if each area will have its own page. Maybe. I want to encourage people to click, though, and I've noticed that if I have to pull down menus or click into yet another page before I can get to where I want to go I'm often liable not to click at all. My guess is that I'm not the only one who reacts this way to veils and lace on a site. After initial construction I'll add all the disparate parts to it and begin combing through this journal from the beginning to catalog important posts and fix broken links.
    I'll also be adding Redirects all over the place as I transfer almost everything to the main site. I'll be doing a little more page redesigning of those pages created on Trellix to get the bulk out. All of the tests were cut by at least half their size without sacrificing any information and they all look much better.
    I'm ready to slow down, though. The impetus has relaxed. The site's "here". It's not going anyplace. There will be, I know, some mini-surges along the way but nothing like what I've been doing since I dot netted us a few weeks ago. I'm now flowing steadily. As my mother would say, "That should keep you out of trouble for awhile."
    No exercises today but Mom looked good, felt good and was in good spirits. I've decided we're going to the drug store tomorrow instead of Costco. We need a few things there, too. We can put off our trip to Costco at least another day or so and the drug store is much less intimidating for Mom, thus she is more likely to wander up and down the aisles, usually getting stuck in the card aisle, humor section.
    I'm improving by the minute. I guess I just have bad days sometimes and going with them gets me through them faster than if I balk and try to be "The Good Caregiver" when I'm feeling neither good nor caring.
    Well, goodness, it looks like I can get to bed before 0100 tonight!

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