Tuesday, August 30, 2005


There are some redirect glitches...

...I've discovered this afternoon. I fixed one but I expect that there are several. I'll check them later and fix those that aren't operating properly...my error, naturally. As well, I'll be publishing Mom's most recent Health Review that I'll be faxing to her PCP tomorrow morning on the occasion of her most recent blood draw. Very little has changed. I like to publish these as a suggestive prompt to other caregivers who are intimately involved in their charges' medical care. This routine is not only a handy and contemplative review for me but those PCPs we've retained (ahem) appreciate it and the act of doing it cuts down on the paperwork just prior to each routine appointment.
    Mom's having yet another unusually slow day [Here's a riddle: what's the definition of an "unusually slow day" for my mother?] today. I couldn't even get her to "beat me in a Sorry match." She's napping now, but I've told her I'll be getting her up before the news. This pleases her. She is addicted to watching both the local and national news. This pleases me.

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