Tuesday, October 4, 2005


Where was I? Ahh, yes...

...about her time warping the visit from the future to the past.
An Addendum to the above Referred Post:  This evening when she awoke from her nap she had a clear memory of the visit having happened "yesterday"; which is to say that she relaxed so well during her nap she reported to me, upon my query while she lingered at the edge of her bed, that she felt, "Great!" as though, "Never better!" was implied.
    Today's Mom's Daily Tests & Meds Dinner Stats report covers the evening in more detail. It was low key. She watched TV, I visited TV while I performed those morning and afternoon chores that fell by the wayside while company was here.
    Although Mom's monthly blood draw was accomplished on 9/26/05 I haven't gotten around to doing the BP report, glucose report or monthly review for the doctor. I know he knows from the results that she's doing very well and he doesn't need to worry about her. I intend to fax those reports in a day or so, the health review portion of which I'll record here.
    As far as I can recall, even with the presence of company, today was no more noteworthy than already noted here and elsewhere: A mellow, good day. Mom talked about going out to eat tomorrow. I think she vaguely remembers that our original plan was to take company out for lunch today. She's been looking forward to this. But with all the sleeping, both hers and mine, and the earlier-than-expected departure of our company ostensibly because of an impending storm but probably because Mom and I either remained asleep or feel asleep on them, the planned lunch-out didn't happen. Mom, now, feels she's owed a dinner out since the one thing she hasn't imagined is that the restaurant was experienced.
    I hope our company takes it as a compliment that we relaxed so completely in their presence.
    Goodness! Mom's still reading! Ah. Her light just went out. 2240. Good. Think I'll do some more indexing. Did I mention I'm in December of last year? I'm close to 1,000 index items, so far. Don't worry, I've got ideas about how to make a complex Table of Contents relatively simple.
    I might, over the next few days or maybe even weeks, be experimenting with CGI script features my domain host offers free. If they can be incorporated simply and easily into the format already established and attract some attention they'll stay. If not, they go.

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