Thursday, December 22, 2005


Did you notice that I linked an essay... the title This Isn't Your Mother's Caregiving contained in my December 18th post?
    Blood Draw results are up for Mom's 12/21/05 blood draw. Her hemoglobin is heading back up, as are some of her other indicators. She continues to hold her own. I was concerned about her sodium and potassium and relieved to see that those are remaining within normal range.
    I had a very touchy day, yesterday, due to yet more "breathe through your nose, not your mouth" problems in the car on our way to and from the lab. I finally figured out that the only time she consistently refuses to do this to my terrible distraction is when she's in the car. I considered that it might have something to do with car seats but in the last several months she's spent a lot of time in a variety of car seats, thanks to me renting cars for our Valley trips. Of all those car seats only two have been uncomfortable for her or put her in a position that might (and this is a big "might") compromise her ability to breathe normally: Our truck seat and the Monte Carlo seat. The seat she occupied during the Thanksgiving Trip was a very comfortable one for her. So, that's not it.
    A couple of nights ago Mom awoke about an hour into her night sleep, came out to the living room, settled into her rocker with the intention of discussing what one does when one has lost one's driver's license. For some reason she suddenly remembered that she "couldn't find" her driver's license. I explained to her that she no longer has a driver's license and hasn't had one since she drove into the side of our Mesa house in the spring of 2000. We had a conversation about why she no longer drives, including me reminding her that previous to her final car accident she was having trouble remembering how to drive, anyway, would only drive to and from the beauty shop across the street and that I probably should have revoked her license long before I did. I also reminded her of the 92 year old woman in Glendale, AZ, who, the same year Mom drove into our house, mistook the gas for the brakes while at a Park and Swap, demolished a couple of kiosks and killed a couple of people.
    "We were lucky, Mom. All you did was damage our utility room."
    "I suppose so," she responded, "but I think I should have a license."
    "Mom," I told her, "if you want an Arizona ID we can do that. We haven't gotten you one because you have your military ID and that suffices just fine here in Arizona. But, if you want a state ID we'll get you one. Let's wait 'till after the New Year, though."
    "Will I be able to use it as a driver's license?"
    "No, but, Mom, even if you could, I wouldn't let you use it as a driver's license anymore. You haven't driven for almost six years, now, and I'm not about to let you get behind the wheel of a car ever again."
    "Well, I don't know why. I'm perfectly capable of driving."
    "No, Mom, you're not. And, anyway, you never liked driving, anyway!"
    "That doesn't matter! I think I should have a driver's license!"
    "Well, I can guarantee you that the State of Arizona would be in agreement with me, not you. And, anyway, what do you need a license for? I drive you everywhere you want to go."
    "What if something happened to you?"
    "There are perfectly competent ambulance drivers would could take me to the hospital if something happened to me."
    "And what about me?!? How would I get around if you were in the hospital?"
    "Mom, if I were in the hospital you'd either stay with MCS or MFS, I'm sure, until I was able to be with you, again. If I wasn't able to ever be with you again, one of your other daughters would step in." I didn't mention that there's a possibility that she'd be in a nursing home for awhile. No reason to upset her out of turn.
    "I hope nothing happens to you."
    "So do I, Mom. And, frankly, I don't think it will. I think we'll be just fine, you and me, and I'll be able to take you anywhere you want to go as long as you're around."
    "Good. That's settled. I think I'll head for bed."

    I've some more reporting I want to do, but I'm behind on compiling Mom's blood pressure, blood glucose and health reviews for her doctor. I want to get those out tomorrow. Suffice it to say, I've been experiencing a couple of bad days: So difficult that I've been indulging myself in "What if I just decided to abandon my post?" fantasies. Not that I will. The fantasies seem to take the edge off. I'll explain...

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