Thursday, December 8, 2005


We had an amazing day, yesterday.

    All holiday shopping and mailing was finished. Although she had no desire to get out, citing the cold, she was up a lot, felt good and we had a great day. I went over the lists of stuff we were sending to my sisters, which included a copy of the video Antonia's Line. She couldn't remember that she'd seen it so we watched it again, always a pleasure for me. Afterwards we talked about how this close-knit yet amazingly open community of related family and friend family was much like Mom envisions her own family; she being the Antonia-matriarch, of course. Interestingly, there were no regrets voiced about the differences between her actual situation and her imagined situation.
    We both retired at the same time: 2315. I was really tired so I have no idea when her light went off but I suspect it was shortly after I settled into bed, as she was tired, too.
    I will be posting about Thanksgiving: The Down Side shortly. My plan, after that, for today is to update the system on this computer then, set up a wired home networking system that'll allow me complete access, regardless of what computer I'm on, to those aspects of recording Mom's and my journey that I necessarily have to do on Windows software (keeping track of her blood glucose for the doctor). Some parts of the procedure will involve blocks of time during which it would be best if I can concentrate completely on computer stuff and not have to deal with the daily observation of Mom. I should be able to accomplish some of the stuff this morning (like clearing this computer of miscellaneous stuff I don't use and setting it up to easily receive the updated system). Other parts may have to wait a day or two.
    Well, better get on with it.

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